By default, the editor is configured to use tab toolbar. To configure the editor to use traditional toolbar:
You can show/hide toolbar buttons using 2 ways:
List of buttons (includes also menu items & dropdowns):
Icon | Description | Name | Property | Default Value | IE* | Moz* |
"Save" button. | Save | (No Property)
This butttom will automatically enabled if you specify the onSave property. More info |
false | Yes | Yes | |
"Full Screen" button. | FullScreen | btnFullScreen | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Preview" button. | Preview | btnPreview | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Print" button. | btnPrint | false | Yes | Yes | ||
"Search" button. | Search | btnSearch | true | Yes | No | |
"Spell Check" button. | SpellCheck | btnSpellCheck | false | Yes | No | |
"Style & Formatting" button. This button opens a menu which has:
StyleAndFormatting | (No Property) This button is enabled by default as well as the menu items:
If you're using ButtonFeatures property, you can show/hide this button by including or not including the button name "StyleAndFormatting" in the ButtonFeatures property value. You'd also need to include at least one of its menu items ("TextFormatting", "ParagraphFormatting", "ListFormatting", "BoxFormatting", "CssText") in the ButtonFeatures property value. |
- | Yes | Yes | |
"Text Formatting" menu item. | TextFormatting | btnTextFormatting | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Paragraph Formatting" menu item. | ParagraphFormatting | btnParagraphFormatting | true | Yes | Yes | |
"List Formatting" menu item. | ListFormatting | btnListFormatting | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Box Formatting" menu item. | BoxFormatting | btnBoxFormatting | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Custom Css" menu item. | CssText | btnCssText | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Cut" button. | Cut | btnCut | true | Yes | CTRL-X | |
"Copy" menu item. | Copy | btnCopy | true | Yes | CTRL-C | |
"Paste" button. | Paste | btnPaste | true | Yes | CTRL-V | |
"Paste from Word" button. | PasteWord | btnPasteWord | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Paste Text" button. | PasteText | btnPasteText | false | Yes | Yes | |
"Undo" button. | Undo | btnUndo | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Redo" button. | Redo | btnRedo | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Text Color" button. | ForeColor | btnForeColor | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Text Background Color" button. | BackColor | btnBackColor | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Bookmark" button. | Bookmark | btnBookmark | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Hyperlink" button. | Hyperlink | btnHyperlink | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Custom Tag" button. | CustomTag | (No Property)
This butttom will automatically enabled if you specify the CustomTagList property. More info |
- | Yes | Yes | |
"Image" button. | Image | btnImage | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Flash" button. | Flash | btnFlash | false | Yes | Yes | |
"Media" button. | Media | btnMedia | false | Yes | Yes | |
"Internal Link" button. | InternalLink | (No Property)
This butttom will automatically enabled if you specify the InternalLink property. More info |
- | Yes | Yes | |
"Custom Object" button. | CustomObject | (No Property)
This butttom will automatically enabled if you specify the CustomObject property. More info |
- | Yes | Yes | |
"Table" button. | Table | btnTable | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Guidelines" button. | Guidelines | btnGuidelines | true | Yes | No | |
"Absolute" button. | Absolute | btnAbsolute | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Secial Characters" button. | Characters | btnCharacters | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Horizontal Line" button. | Line | btnLine | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Form" button. | Form | btnForm | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Remove Formatting" button. | RemoveFormat | btnRemoveFormat | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Source Editor" button for full HTML editing. | XHTMLFullSource | (No Property) If the Editor editing mode is set to "HTML" or "XHTML", this button would automatically displayed. If you're using ButtonFeatures property, you can show/hide this button by including or not including the button name "XHTMLFullSource" in the ButtonFeatures property value. |
- | Yes | Yes | |
"Source Editor" button for HTML BODY content editing. | XHTMLSource | (No Property) If the Editor editing mode is set to "HTMLBODY" or "XHTMLBODY", this button would automatically displayed (This this button is displayed by default as the Editor has default editing mode set to "HTMLBODY"). If you're using ButtonFeatures property, you can show/hide this button by including or not including the button name "XHTMLSource" in the ButtonFeatures property value. |
- | Yes | Yes | |
"Clear All" button. | ClearAll | btnClearAll | false | Yes | Yes | |
"Style Selection" button. | Styles | btnStyles | false | Yes | Yes | |
"Paragraph" dropdown. | Paragraph | btnParagraph | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Font" dropdown. | FontName | btnFontName | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Font Size" dropdown. | FontSize | btnFontSize | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Bold" button. | Bold | btnBold | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Italic" button. | Italic | btnItalic | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Underline" button. | Underline | btnUnderline | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Strikethrough" button. | Strikethrough | btnStrikethrough | false | Yes | Yes | |
"Superscript" button. | Superscript | btnSuperscript | false | Yes | Yes | |
"Subscript" button. | Subscript | btnSubscript | false | Yes | Yes | |
"Justify Left" button. | JustifyLeft | btnJustifyLeft | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Justify Center" button. | JustifyCenter | btnJustifyCenter | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Justify Right" button. | JustifyRight | btnJustifyRight | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Justify Full" button. | JustifyFull | btnJustifyFull | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Numbering" button. | Numbering | btnNumbering | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Bullets" button. | Bullets | btnBullets | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Indent" button. | Indent | btnIndent | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Outdent" button. | Outdent | btnOutdent | true | Yes | Yes | |
"Left to Right" button. | LTR | btnLTR | false | Yes | Yes | |
"Right to Left" button. | RTL | btnRTL | false | Yes | Yes |
To add custom buttons on the Editor toolbar, use ToolbarCustomButtons collection property and specify the ButtonFeatures property to include the custom button names. Below is an example:
New CustomButton("CustomName1", "alert('Command 1 here.')", "Caption 1 here", "btnCustom1.gif"))
New CustomButton("CustomName2", "alert('Command 2 here.')", "Caption 2 here", "btnCustom2.gif"))
New CustomButton("CustomName3", "alert('Command 3 here.')", "Caption 3 here", "btnCustom3.gif"))
oEdit1.ButtonFeatures = New String() { _
"FullScreen","Preview","Print","Search", _
"Cut","Copy","Paste","PasteWord","PasteText","|", _
"Undo","Redo","|","ForeColor","BackColor","|", _
"Bookmark","Hyperlink","XHTMLSource","BRK", _
"Numbering","Bullets","|","Indent","Outdent","LTR","RTL","|", _
"Image","Flash","Media","|", _
"Table","Guidelines","Absolute","|","Characters","Line", _
"Form","RemoveFormat","ClearAll","BRK", _
"StyleAndFormatting","TextFormatting","ListFormatting", _
"BoxFormatting","ParagraphFormatting","CssText","Styles","|", _
"Paragraph","FontName","FontSize","|","Bold","Italic", _
"Underline","Strikethrough","|", _
"JustifyLeft","JustifyCenter","JustifyRight","JustifyFull", _}
As seen on the above code, you need to set the CustomButtons property with CustomButton object. CustomButton has the following properties:
You can re-arrange the custom buttons at any position on the toolbar by setting the ButtonFeatures property.
You can organize the toolbar into tabs and groups by specifying ToolbarTabs collection property. In each tab there are groups of buttons. Below is the example:
Dim grpEdit = new ISGroup("grpEdit", "", _
New String() {"Undo", "Redo", "Search", "ClearAll", "BRK", _
"Cut", "Copy", "Paste", "PasteWord", "PasteText", "RemoveFormat"})
Dim grpFont = new ISGroup("grpFont", "", _
New String() {"FontName", "FontSize", "BRK", "Bold", "Italic", _
"Underline","Strikethrough","Superscript","Subscript", "ForeColor", "BackColor"})
Dim grpPara = new ISGroup("grpPara", "", _
New String() {"Paragraph", "Indent", "Outdent", "LTR", "RTL", "BRK", _
"JustifyLeft", "JustifyCenter","JustifyRight","JustifyFull", "Numbering","Bullets"})
Dim grpPage = new ISGroup("grpPage", "", _
New String() {"Save", "Print", "Preview", "BRK", "FullScreen", "XHTMLSource"})
Dim grpObjects = new ISGroup("grpObjects", "", _
New String() {"Image", "Flash","Media", "CustomObject", "BRK", _
"CustomTag", "Characters", "Line"})
Dim grpLinks = new ISGroup("grpLinks", "", _
New String() {"Hyperlink","InternalLink", "BRK", "Bookmark"})
Dim grpTables = new ISGroup("grpTables", "", _
New String() {"Table", "BRK", "Guidelines"})
Dim grpStyles = new ISGroup("grpStyles", "", _
New String() {"StyleAndFormatting", "Styles", "BRK", "Absolute"})
Dim grpCustom = new ISGroup("grpCustom", "", _
New String() {"CustomName1", "CustomName2", "BRK", "CustomName3"})
Dim tabHome = new ISTab("tabHome", "Home")
tabHome.Groups.AddRange(New ISGroup() {grpEdit, grpFont, grpPara, grpPage})
Dim tabStyle = new ISTab("tabStyle", "Objects & Styles")
tabStyle.Groups.AddRange(New ISGroup() {grpObjects, grpLinks, grpTables, grpStyles, grpCustom})
The ISTab object has the following properties:
The ISGroup object has the following properties:
The result is shown below:
You can move the Tag Selector at the top of the editing area (below the Editor toolbar) by setting the TagSelectorPosition property to "top". Below is an example:
ID="oEdit1" />
The result is shown below:
To hide the Tag Selector, set UseTagSelector property to false.
ID="oEdit1" />